Even if you are in-network, you could be responsible for additional cost-share fees like copayments, coinsurance, or the full cost of services until you meet your deductible. Each plan is different, so you should refer to your plan’s benefits or contact your insurance company if you have questions about the details of your plan.
Copayment (copay): A fixed amount you pay for covered services at the time of your visit.
Coinsurance: A percentage of the costs of a covered healthcare service you pay after your deductible.
Deductible: The amount you need to pay out of pocket for healthcare services before your health insurance plan begins to cover costs.
Your insurance company will send you an explanation of benefits (EOB) outlining any additional costs. For copays and your deductible, you might be able to offset costs by using tax-free dollars from a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA). Check your plan for details.
If you use insurance to cover the cost of your services, Cerebral will also notify you of any cost share fees you owe 7 days before charging the payment method on file.
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